Epic Provisions: Pasture-Raised Meat Snacks

EPIC Provisions has lots of great meat snack options (including chicken, pork, bison, beef, elk, etc). At least from what I have found, all of their products are free of seed oils and artificial ingredients.
Website Excerpt:
EPIC products are inspired by the simple yet powerful diets of our ancestors and consistent with our unique evolutionary biology. Throughout the majority of history, our species has evolved living active lifestyles and consuming a Hunter and Gatherer diet rich in high quality meat, wholesome vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. On the contrary, modern day diets of processed foods and excessive sugar, combined with sedentary lifestyles have pushed our physiologies dangerously far from their adapted environments. By looking to the diets and lifestyles of our ancestors, we believe that evolution has much to teach us about human optimization and healthful living. EPIC products are an expression of our evolutionary biology, and allow modern day omnivores to thrive consuming a wide array of nature’s bounties; just as mother nature intended.
Important Note:
Always make sure to do your own research on products, as companies can changing their practices, ingredients, etc at any time. If you see anything on our website that needs to be updated, please let us know!
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