Clara & Fritz: Tallow Skincare

Clara & Fritz has my top favorite beef tallow skincare products—they are very high-quality, easy to use, and affordable. The owner is so kind and helpful! They have whipped tallow lotions, tallow lip balms (chapstick), tallow oil cleansers, tallow sugar scrubs, tallow night cream, and tallow sunscreen.
Use this link and the coupon code “RACH” for a discount at Clara & Fritz.
Excerpt from website:
All of our tallow products are synthetic fragrance free, artificial color free, petroleum free, and are handmade in tiny batches using real ingredients.
Beef tallow has been used as a natural skincare for centuries. It is the original body butter. Easily absorbed by the the body’s cell membranes, it contains anti-inflammatory properties and vitamins A, D, E, K and B12. Tallow balm is very compatible with the oils already naturally found on our skin, making it the perfect choice for clean skin care.
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