Easy Homemade Beef Chips Recipe

Easy Homemade Beef Chips Recipe Easy Homemade Beef Chips Recipe Easy Homemade Beef Chips Recipe Easy Homemade Beef Chips Recipe

Many people find when they start eating a more nutrient-dense diet and cut out seed oils/processed foods, they don’t feel the need to snack as much. But regardless, sometimes its really nice to have some pre-made food ready to grab when you’re traveling or “on the go”.

Here’s how to make homemade beef chips:

Ingredients & Supplies:


  1. Lay thinly sliced beef on dehydrator trays
  2. Salt generously
  3. Dehydrate at 165 degrees for about 8 hours (The dehydrating time will vary depending on the thickness of the beef)
  4. Store in a bag or glass container at room temp for up to a few weeks or in the fridge/freezer for months. They likely won’t last long enough to worry about them going bad!

Watch my “beef chips” YouTube video here!


  • If you’re wanting to make beef chips or jerky often, I’d suggest getting a stainless steel dehydrator. It makes a huge difference. They cook much more evenly and hold much more meat than round plastic dehydrators.
  • If have a Costco nearby, they often sell new york strip steak sliced very thinly for about $9/lb. We’ve used this quite a few times for making beef chips and they turn out delicious! The fat almost tastes buttery when dehydrated. That being said, I prefer to use grass-fed & regeneratively raised meat wherever possible.
  • Often you can ask your butcher to slice up roasts really thin for you. Personally I like making beef chips with cuts that have some fat on them (chuck, ny strip, ribeye, brisket) as I find they taste much better!
  • If you can’t find thinly sliced meat, you can buy roasts and either hand slice them (easier when partially frozen) or use a meat slicer.
  • I like to use Redmond fine salt because I fine the fine version adheres to the meat better than the kosher salt
  • I like to taste test them every few hours and just take them out when I think they’re ready. Typically I wait until they break in half easily, kind of like a chip/cracker texture.
  • If you want to add any spices or marinade to the beef, go for it! They taste great just salted, but adding in some more flavor will work great too!
  • This recipe can be enjoyed by anyone, and it fits in great with these diets: the carnivore diet, keto diet, lion diet, paleo diet, animal-based diet, low carb diet, Weston A. Price diet, etc.

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